Free Books - French & Indian War

Below is a list of English-langauge public domain books that I've found online, most of which which have been uploaded by Higher Education Institutions in North America. All are all related to the Seven Years War in North America, also known as the French and Indian War, and the greater part of these are primary sources (in the form of memoirs, journals and orderly books). I have divided the books into 3 groups:


These are books that I have found by haphazardly by searching from the bibliographies of a handful of books. If you know of anymore I'd be very grateful if you could send me the links as I'm always looking for new things to read.



Memoirs of the siege of Quebec, capital of all Canada, and of the retreat of Monsieur de Bourlemaque, from Carillon to the Isle aux Noix in Lake Champlain.
From the journal of a French officer on board the Chezine frigate

Memoir upon the late war in North America, between the French and English, 1755-60 : followed by observations upon the theatre of actual war, and by new details concerning the manners and customs of the Indians ; with topographical maps
By Pierre Puchot (translated by Benjamin Hough Franklin
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 9

By James Johnstone

By Mary Carson Darlington (includes account by Pierre-Joseph Céloron de Blainville)


The Writings of George Washington: Official letters relating to the French War
By George Washington

The Military Journals of Two Private Soldiers
Edited by Abraham Tomlinson

A Journal of the expedition up the River St. Lawrence : containing a true and most particular account of the transactions of the fleet and army under the command of Admiral Saunders and General Wolfe, from the time of their embarkation at Louisbourg 'til after the surrender of Quebeck
By a Serjeant-Major of Gen Hopson’s Grenadiers

Journal of Major Robert Rogers
By Robert Rogers

A narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Johnson: containing an account of her sufferings, during four years, with the Indians and French
By Susanna Johnson

An account of the remarkable occurrences in the life and travels of Col. James Smith, during his captivity with the Indians
By Colonel James Smith

Journal of the particular transactions during the siege of Quebec at anchor opposite the island of Orleans, July 26th, 1759
By an Officer of Fraser's Regiment

A short account of the expedition against Quebec commanded by Major-General Wolfe in the year 1759
By Major Moncrief

Orderly book and journal of Major John Hawks on the Ticonderoga-Crown Point campaign, under General Jeffrey Amherst, 1759-1760
By Major John Hawks

The journal of Jeffery Amherst, recording the military career of General Amherst in America from 1758 to 1763
By Jeffery Amherst

An historical journal of the campaigns in North America for the years 1757, 1758, 1759 and 1760: containing the most remarkable occurrences of that period particularly the two sieges of Quebec
By Captain John Knox
Volume 1
Volume 2

A Journal of the siege of Quebec: to which is annexed a correct plan of the environs of Quebec and of the battle fought on the 13th September, 1759

Luke Gridley's diary of 1757 while in service in the French and Indian war
By Luke Gridley

Diary of Captain Samuel Jenks during the French and Indian war 1760
By Samuel Jenks

Manuscript records of the French and Indian war in the library of the [American Antiquarian] Society
Containing the Sir William Johnson Manuscripts, the Col. John Bradstreet Manuscripts, Additional Manuscripts of the French and Indian War, and the Orderly Book of Lieut. William Henshaw.

A list of additional manuscripts of the French and Indian war in the library of the [American Antiquarian] Society
Containing the Keppel Manuscripts in full (an account of the Battle of the Monongahela)

Papers relating to Captain Thomas Lawrence's company, raised in Groton, Massachusetts, during the French and Indian war, 1758
Edited by Samuel Abbott Green

Papers relating to the companies of Captain Thomas Farrington and Captain Samuel Tarbell, both raised in Groton, Massachusetts, during the French and Indian War
Edited by Samuel Abbott Green

Journal of Gen Rufus Putnam kept in northern New York during four campaigns of the old French and Indian war 1757-1760
By Rufus Putnam

The journal of Captain William Pote, Jr. during his captivity in the French and Indian war from May, 1745, to August, 1747
By Capt. William Pote (an earlier war but may be of interest)

Journal kept by Sergeant David Holden of Groton, Mass, during the latter part of the French and Indian War
By David Holden, edited by Samuel Abbott Green

Recollections of an old soldier. The life of Captain David Perry, a soldier of the French and revolutionary wars
By David Perry

The dangers and sufferings of Robert Eastburn, and his deliverance from Indian captivity
By Robert Eastburn

Reminiscences of the French war; containing Roger's expeditions with the New-England rangers under his command, as published in London in 1765; with notes and illustrations. To which is added an account of the life and military services of Maj. Gen. John Stark; with notices and anecdotes of other officers distinguished in the French and revolutionary wars
By Robert Rogers and Caleb Stark

Memoirs of the Chevalier de Johnstone. Translated from the original French MS. of the chevalier
By James Johnstone
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3

A plain narrative of the uncommon sufferings and remarkable deliverance of Thomas Brown, of Charlestown, in New England; who returned to his father's house the beginning of Jan. 1760, after having been absent three years and about eight months: containing an account of the engagement between a party of English, Commanded by Maj. Rogers and a party of French and Indians, in Jan. 1757 ... how he was taken captive by the Indians and carried to Canada, and from thence to the Mississippi; where he lived about a year, and was again sent to Canada
By Thomas Brown

Major General Edward Braddock's orderly books, from February 26 to June 17, 1755

By George Washington

By Mary Carson Darlington (includes the letters of Generals Grant, Forbes and Bouquet, and the Journal, letters and orderly book of Captain Simeon Ecuyer

(includes extracts from the papers of Colonel Henry Bouquet)

By Robert Rogers, John Bradstreet and Franklin Benjamin Hough


Montcalm and Wolfe
By Francis Parkman
Volume 1
Volume 2

The history of the late war in North America and the islands of the West-Indies including the campaigns of 1763 and 1764 against His Majesty's Indian enemies
By Thomas Mante

The life of Major-General James Wolfe; founded on original documents and illustrated by his correspondence, including numerous unpublished letters contributed from the family papers of noblemen and gentlemen, descendants of his companions (1864)
By Robert Wright

A Particular History of the Five Years French and Indian War in New England
By Samuel Gardner Drake and William Shirley

The life and letters of James Wolfe (1909)
By Beckles Willson

The Battle of the Plains
By John Murdoch Harper

The history of an expedition against Fort Du Quesne in 1755
By Winthrop Sargent

Washington's expeditions (1753-1754) and Braddock's expedition (1755) with history of Tom Fausett, the slayer of General Edward Braddock
By James Hadden

The burial of Lord Viscount Howe, killed in the French and Indian war
By Edward J Owen

Colonial opposition to imperial authority during the French and Indian war
By Eugene Irving McCormac

The life of Rev. Michael Schlatter; with a full account of his travels and labors among the Germans in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia; including his services as chaplain in the French and Indian War
By Henry Harbough

A colonial officer and his times, 1754-1773 : a biographical sketch of Gen. Hugh Waddell, of North Carolina : with notices of the French and Indian War in the southern colonies
By Alfred Waddell

The battle of Lake George (September 8, 1755) and the men who won it
By Henry Taylor Blake

The Black Watch at Ticonderoga and Major Duncan Campbell of Inverawe
By Frederick B. Richards

A battle fought on snow shoes : Rogers' Rock, Lake George, March 13, 1758
By Mary Cochrane Rogers

By William Harrison Lowdermilk

By Mary Carson Darlington

By Mary Carson Darlington
By William Smith


The last of the Mohicans
By James Fenimore Cooper

The last of the Mohicans - 1920 Silent Film (free to download)

The Deerslayer - 1920 German Silent Film with English Subtitles (free to download)

Wolfe and Montcalm - 1957 Canadian Short Film (free to watch online)

Captain Jack, the scout ; or, The Indian wars about Old Fort Duquesne; An historical novel, with copious notes
By Charles McKnight (includes engravings)

The seats of the mighty; being the memoirs of Captain Robert Moray, sometime an officer in the Virginia regiment, and afterwards of Amherst's regiment
By Gilbert Parker

A sword of the old frontier : a tale of Fort Chartres and Detroit : being a plain account of sundry adventures befalling Chevalier Raoul de Coubert, one time captain in the Hussars of Languedoc, during the year 1763
By Randall Parrish

Ticonderoga; a story of early frontier life in the Mohawk Valley
By G. P. R. James

With Rogers on the frontier; a story of 1756. With four illus. by F.J. Devitt
By James MacDonald Oxley

With Wolfe in Canada; or, Winning of a continent
By George Alfred Henty